Ty Farris - No Cosign Just Cocaine 5 (Craig The Cokehead Edition) Reflective & Glow In The Dark Vinyl Jacket (Different Splatter) (ONE PER PERSON)


So we got 5 of these from the company that does them. These were apart of the original batch but the color was slightly different. Upon our no order these we shown to us and they look AMAZING.  Same design just a yellow and pink splatter. 

Hopefully you seen the videos on the BarsOverBs & Ty Farris Instagram pages. This is a one of a kind score. This Rob Worst Drawing of Craig The Cokehead is a alternative cover to go along with the No Cosign 5 crazy drop. Its reflective and if you hold it under a light for 20 seconds the turn off the lights it glows in the dark.